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How 2 Tour

-You have 2 choices-

Go to our Links page and Book a Travel Package through one of our partners.  Everything's decided for you, including travel arrangements and a complete itinerary.  This is called a "Package Tour" and you have very little flexibility to customize your travel experience.  It is pretty stress free and easy.

 -Some tips for driving in Europe-

The adventuresome can use the Internet to research and create a custom itinerary, rent a car, and drive through Europe's wine regions.  We can help you plan this type trip.  Click over to How2Travel.com for help.  If you do want to drive, here are some "Keys to Successful Auto Travel" in Europe:

1) Always get detailed maps of the areas you wish to explore, study them before each days trips, plot routes using town names.  Refer to your maps and routes often.

2) Route signs in Europe almost NEVER indicate compass directions. Therefore you MUST know the names of towns/cities you are headed for. In European parlance this is know as "direction of". Maps are the Key so study them before taking off to locate as many town names as you can.

3) Rotaries/Circles are a beautiful thing. No traffic lights to slow you down, and you always get a 2nd/3rd chance at finding your Direction. Remember, you do not have the "right of way" entering a Rotary.

4) European drivers are fast and aggressive...so try and fit in. If you cannot drive the way they do, let someone else take the wheel. Although there are speed limits, and fines can be heavy, most locals simply drive fast...so should you.

5) The LEFT Lane...in Europe this is truly the "Fast" lane. One does not cruise in this lane. The left lane is always used to pass only and usually at very high speed. The message is: stay out of this lane unless you intend to pass.

 -Driving in Europe-

Use this link for help with roads, signs, and general driving tips for all of Europe.

Use this link for specific driving tips for Italy.

Use this link for specific driving tips for France.



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