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 The Keys to Successful Auto Travel in Italy:

  Drive Fast...Wave Your Arms...Look Italian!

Driving in Italy can be Very expensive! Gasoline is around $5 per gallon. The Italian  AutoStrada is a well maintained, high speed tollway.  Tolls are very high between major cities, but excellent time can be made.  (Typical toll charges are approximately 5-Euro for about 100km.)

For best sightseeing along the way, and for lower cost, we suggest the "S" routes.  "S" routes have either 1, 2, or 3 digits following the "S". Normally the fewer the digits the bigger/wider the road...but remember this is Italy and consistency does not exist!  The smallest secondary roads vary greatly in size (width), and are normally indicated by 3 digits.  Confused?


Italian Road "Vocabulary" and Road Signs.
Here is Some Basic Vocabulary you NEED to Know:

Italian Word/Phrase                   English Translation

Uscita                                                         Exit
Entrata                                                       Entrance
Deviazione                                                 Detour
Proibito                                                      Forbidden
Autostrada                                                 4-Lane Highway (toll)
Parcheggio                                                 Parking
Vietato parcheggiare                                 No Parking
Senso Unico                                               One way street
Area Servizio (Successiva)                        Rest/Service stop (next)
Centro                                                         Center of town
Per                                                               in the Direction of (town name)
Sans Plomb                                                 No lead petrol/fuel
ViaCard                                                      Express charge lane at toll booth (credit card)

For sample road signs visit:  RoadSigns

A Few Miscellaneous Points:

* Entrances into major cities are through a "Porto"
For example: a southern entry into Florence might
be through the "Porto Romano".

* Speed limits on the Autostrada are 130k and 110k (rain), but almost no one goes this slow.  The left lane is for  passing only, at high speed...no cruising as in USA.

* Most restaurants have a "cover" charge for use of the table and for bread in some cases.  Typical "Coperto" is 2Euro.  Never sit in a coffee bar...only tourists do and get charged extra for the privilege (cover charge, plus higher cost for coffee and pastries - sometimes double).

* Almost all major attractions can be found by going to "Centro".



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